What Is My Dream Vacation?

Somali Flag

The quotation above struck a chord in me the moment I laid my eyes on it. We are so consumed by an individualistic lifestyle that Western society has brought us up to live that we often forget about those who put us in the positions we are in right now. As a result, I chose Somalia for two reasons: firstly, for my father who loves going back with every chance that he gets. Secondly, as the country of my origin, it is pretty embarrassing that I have yet to travel there. I will probably be taking an unorthodox approach to my dream vacation compared to my fellow colleagues however I feel it is important to shed light on the resources Somalia has to offer rather than to choose a generic location. The side of Somalia that is often portrayed is riddled with piracy, corruption and terrorism. I want to take this opportunity to show others and experience firsthand a New Side of Somalia that includes an appreciation of family and fine cuisine to learning more about its rich history and culture.